Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Dr Tim Musgrove
Sydney Knee and Ankle Surgeon
Dr Musgrove uses the annually revised Australian Medical Assosciation (AMA) List of Medical Services and Fees for costing assistance and guidance only. The amount is determined after careful study and investigation of practice costs and other relevant and material circumstances as being fair, reasonable and appropriate for the services provided.
At the time of booking the initial consultation, the fee will be fully disclosed. Should surgery be elected, fully informed, written and signed financial consent will be obtained.
Quotes for procedures will not be provided in advance of a consultation.
A financial obligation , the so called “gap” , will arise where the fee charged for the service is more than the combined Medicare and Private Fund benefits payable .
The “gap” is not a conscious amount that Dr Musgrove will charge but rather a disparity between the fair and reasonable fee schedule and that which is remitted through benefits. This has arisen as Medicare benefit levels are fixed arbitrarily by the Federal Government and the benefit levels have not kept pace with inflation thereby widening the “gap” between reasonable fees and benefits over the years.
Consultation payment is required on the day of attendance and payments for surgery are expected two days prior to your procedure.
At the time of booking the initial consultation, the fee will be fully disclosed. Should surgery be elected, fully informed, written and signed financial consent will be obtained.
Quotes for procedures will not be provided in advance of a consultation.
A financial obligation , the so called “gap” , will arise where the fee charged for the service is more than the combined Medicare and Private Fund benefits payable .
The “gap” is not a conscious amount that Dr Musgrove will charge but rather a disparity between the fair and reasonable fee schedule and that which is remitted through benefits. This has arisen as Medicare benefit levels are fixed arbitrarily by the Federal Government and the benefit levels have not kept pace with inflation thereby widening the “gap” between reasonable fees and benefits over the years.
Consultation payment is required on the day of attendance and payments for surgery are expected two days prior to your procedure.
Dr Musgrove sees all patients individually and does not engage doctors in training, medical students, paramedical or research assistants to interview in advance of attendance. However, with patient permission, such personnel may be present as observers during consultation.
Appointments are realistically scheduled for all patients, mindful and respectful of time, but by the nature of medicine and surgery, not all is both predictable and controllable, so understanding is appreciated.
All relevant imaging and referrals should be brought to each consultation whether new or for review.
Post operative appointments are assigned at the time of booking surgery.
Appointments are realistically scheduled for all patients, mindful and respectful of time, but by the nature of medicine and surgery, not all is both predictable and controllable, so understanding is appreciated.
All relevant imaging and referrals should be brought to each consultation whether new or for review.
Post operative appointments are assigned at the time of booking surgery.
A weight bearing X-ray of the Knee or Ankle is often the most appropriate pre-consultation imaging, and advised if review by a medical officer or therapist has been sought prior to consultation with Dr Musgrove.
Ultrasounds, CT Scans and Bone Scans are reserved for more specific indications and may be more relevant on occasions post initial consultation.
MRI scans cannot be ordered in advance of consultation by Dr Musgrove due to Medicare regulations and are not necessarily a prerequisite to orthopaedic consultation.
While imaging centres indicate that reports and images will be forwarded to Dr Musgrove this is often not the case, therefore the original copies are preferred. Most imaging can be accessed electronically, however it is most helpful if you are able to let us know where the imaging was performed.
Ultrasounds, CT Scans and Bone Scans are reserved for more specific indications and may be more relevant on occasions post initial consultation.
MRI scans cannot be ordered in advance of consultation by Dr Musgrove due to Medicare regulations and are not necessarily a prerequisite to orthopaedic consultation.
While imaging centres indicate that reports and images will be forwarded to Dr Musgrove this is often not the case, therefore the original copies are preferred. Most imaging can be accessed electronically, however it is most helpful if you are able to let us know where the imaging was performed.
Dr Musgrove performs all routine elective surgery at the Mater Hospital & Mater Clinic Theatres, North Sydney.
Dr Musgrove has known and worked with his regular anaesthetists over 20 years and maintains a high regard for their expertise.
A separate fee will be charged by the Anaesthetist, with a guide provided at the time of booking surgery.
A separate fee will be charged by the Anaesthetist, with a guide provided at the time of booking surgery.
Dr Musgrove requires a surgical assistant for most surgical procedures.
Surgical assistants are qualified Medical Doctors and Dr Musgrove’s regular assistants are Specialist Sports Physicians.
All surgery and procedural work is performed by Dr Musgrove, including wound closure and bandaging, with Dr Musgrove present in the operating theatre at all times.
Assistants may hold instruments, or the knee / ankle, during the procedure but only under direct supervision of Dr Musgrove.
A separate fee will be charged by the Surgical Assistant, with a guide provided at the time of booking surgery.
Surgical assistants are qualified Medical Doctors and Dr Musgrove’s regular assistants are Specialist Sports Physicians.
All surgery and procedural work is performed by Dr Musgrove, including wound closure and bandaging, with Dr Musgrove present in the operating theatre at all times.
Assistants may hold instruments, or the knee / ankle, during the procedure but only under direct supervision of Dr Musgrove.
A separate fee will be charged by the Surgical Assistant, with a guide provided at the time of booking surgery.
Surgical outcome relies on rehabilitation and in general, attendance by a physiotherapist is recommended on the first postoperative day.
Specific instructions will be communicated subsequent to surgical findings.
Follow up appointments are generally required at 10-14 days postoperative for removal of sutures and at 6 weeks for review.
Specific instructions will be communicated subsequent to surgical findings.
Follow up appointments are generally required at 10-14 days postoperative for removal of sutures and at 6 weeks for review.
Dr Musgrove is contactable during normal weekday hours through the 1300 1 0RTH0 ( 1300 1 07840 ) phone number and after hours / weekends through the Mater Hospital by phoning 9900 7300 and speaking to the Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) and requesting contact with Dr Musgrove
Appointments are confirmed with an SMS alert the day prior. A cancellation fee is not charged, however a return phone call of inability to attend is appreciated.
The Stadium Clinic
Byron Kennedy Hall
Entertainment Quarter (Fox Studios)
Moore Park NSW 2021
Physical Therapy
60 Rosemont Street
The Stadium Clinic
Byron Kennedy Hall
Entertainment Quarter (Fox Studios)
Moore Park NSW 2021
Physical Therapy
60 Rosemont Street